Case Teaching


Under the direction of President UMT, HSM Center for Multidisciplinary Research is incorporating case teaching methods in its pedagogy. The experience of leading business schools of the world and Pakistan shows that case teaching method requires business schools to not only acquire cases from other sources but also develop a repository of their written cases. NBEAC and other accreditation bodies also require business schools to write indigenous teaching case studies on the real-time problems of the industry. Such cases serve as a tool to expose business students with industry practices, help them forge professional linkages, and ultimately enable them to devise viable solutions for industry problems. Teaching case studies helps to establish the link between theory or concept and practical reflections especially in the context of Pakistan. The cases studies incorporates the variety of topics including leadership, innovation, strategic change, organizational performance, and team motivation, technological impact.

There are number of local cases, being produced by HSM, CMR, HSM is to foster a conducive culture for developing local cases based on business problems. Specifically, it will CMR core function is to;

  • Prepare Case Studies, written on Pakistani business enterprises
  • Engage faculty members to write Teaching Cases on real-time issues and provide them assistance with industry data.
  • All the submitted Cases will be reviewed by advisory board and recommendations will be incorporated by CMR, if any
  • The cases published by CMR will be considered equivalent to the "Y" category publication in the appraisal process.

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